Thursday, February 28, 2013

My Blog

I don't really know how this blog will turn to.
A fashion blog? I do love fashion, but I don't have much money to buy fashion outfit.
Or a beauty blog? Well I love beauty thing to, but I don't really have money to spend to buy the makeup or perfume.
What I mean is, I am just wearing a standard dress, wearing standard makeup and perfume. The most expensive of my dress label is graphis or something that Matahari departement store sell. Also, my current fashion interest is office look. Little boring huh? Yes, I found it a little boring, but, it is what I need right now.
Yesterday, I got a job. And there gonna be military training. Hate it! Hate something that really hard. But I have to do it. Fighting!So because I will on an office soon, I will have preparing my office look, cheap but sweet. My style is really weird. If anybody out there describe their style as : vintage, feminine, elegant, boyish, etc, etc. Mine is cheap! hahaha..
Do it has to be a culinary blog? I love eat, food, dish & beverage but I don't do culinary.

Maybe, I will turn this blog to an interesting blog that portrays everything that happen near me. I will post an interesting thing in my live. Either fashion, beauty, culinary, lifestyle, gadget, giveaway or anything.

Barbeque Tahu

450 gram tahu
3 sdm minyak zaitun
1 btr putih telur
1 sdm saus barbeque
250 gram tepung all-purpose
1 sdt garam
1/2 sdt merica
125 ml saus barbeque

Cara Membuat :

1. Tiriskan tahu, potong dengan tebal 1,5 cm memanjang. Tempatkan dalam wadah plastik tertutup, simpan dalam freezer semalaman.

2. Cairkan potongan tahu beku, serap kelebihan air dengan kertas penyerap agar tahu kesat.

3. Kocok putih telur dengan 1 sdm saus barbeque. Di mangkok terpisah, gabungkan tepung, garam dan merica. Masukkan tahu di campuran telur, kemudian lumuri tipis-tipis dengan tepung.

4. Panaskan minyak zaitun, goreng potongan tahu berlumur tepung sampai berwarna coklat keemasan. Angkat dari minyak dan letakkan di kertas penyerap minyak untuk membuat tahu tetap kesat.

5. Panaskan panggangan, lumuri dan rendam dalam 125 ml saus barbeque, panggang hingga berwarna kecoklatan dan crispy. Sajikan hangat-hangat dengan saus barbeque.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Korean Film I Love The Most

I love Queen In Hyun's Man so much. I can watch it over and over again. The story line is fantastic and I love the actor. The actor look like my boyfriend, but not with the character. I love someone who is genius, have a kind heart to the woman, protecting his girlfriend so much, and can fighting. Hahaha. the boy in the film is so perfect and seem impossible there is one in the world.
The story line is about a man in Joseon era traveling to the future (in year 2012). But with his fast ability he can manage his double life. In the end, he lived in the future along with his girlfriend. It is a happy ending.
The only magical thing according to the scenario writer's is not the time travel, but the main lead actor.
It is so magical to found a real boyfriend in this world.
I have the full copy and the English subtitle too.
I will write another Korean film I love in another time.

Some A Word

Great word isn't it?

Me Today

Found this gorgeous office attire in another blog, but I forget to write down the link. So sorry.
It is so lovely.

Pretty isn't it?
I just realize that I love an elegant, simple, and sweet attire :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Today and Today

What a funny title, isn't it?
Uhm, anyway, I found this dress in this blog is suit with my taste so much. The colour! The blue and the cream, So Great!!
And another one is this office look. So new and fresh, I like the colour combination so much. Want to buy an overall dress like those :p

Monday, February 25, 2013

Halaman Blog

Dua jam muter-muter internet.
Akhirnya ketemu dah :
Tapi ada yang belum beres. besok lagi aja deh cari yang lain. T.T

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Alamanda Fashion

Bangun hari ini dan dapat kabar mendapat pulsa 25rb dari Alamanda Fashion .

Terima kasih yang tak terhingga untuk Alamanda..

Ini twitternya Alamanda guys : Twitter
Go Follow them to get credit reload :)




Somehow, I feel a little tired today. Want something fresh.

Maybe you are realizing something.. Why this blog is dominated by giveaway. The only reason is because I'm lack of lucky factor, so I will follow all the blog that give me a chance to win the giveaway.. Hahaha.. Wish me luck!! -_-

Friday, February 22, 2013

my pinterest acount

Hey there, aaww.. I made my pinterest account. Here is my account: please follow me. I interested in design, fashion & beauty. Thank's!



my bloglovin

Just now, I made a bloglovin account, but I'm still a newbie, so need a lot effort to understand My Bloglovin. 
Feel free to leave comment below and teach me bloglovin. Here is if you want to follow my My bloglovin



A little cartoon

I don't know why, but I find this fashion cartoon is really cute. Don't you?

Bursa Karir

Kemarin, merupakan pertama kalinya aku ikut bursa karir kompas 'Kompas Karier Fair' di ICBC. Perusahaan partisipannya cukup bagus dan alhamdulilah ada beberapa panggilan kerja juga.
Well, sejauh yang aku tahu, di Jawa Timur ada beberapa penyelenggara bursa karir selain Kompas, ada jobstreet, jobsdb, job for career, Unair, Unbraw, ITS, Perbanas, Stiesia, Ubaya, dan beberapa universitas lainnya.
Mayoritas dari bursa karir yang aku ikuti, selalu ada panggilan pekerjaan entah satu entah dua entah banyak hahaha.
Ya, sekian postingan hari ini, I am going to sleep, very sleepy today. And don't forget to join pygmalionland giveaway event on my last post. See you tomorrow.
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